Certified Chinese translation share their experience that taking notes is needed even when they do the interpretation. But, is it the same note we did in the classroom? Well, the experience says no.
First, English interpretation and typical classroom notes do not share the same purpose. Students are usually pretty familiar with how to take notes on class. They listen to the teacher and write down the main point of the lecture at the same time (especially things that are not mentioned in the books), because it is easier for them to establish and review the knowledge they have gained after class. On the other hand, the notes taken during the interpretation are for having a rough overview of the speaker and to make sure the whole interpretation process goes well. So, details are not needed as long as the interpreters can understand it themselves.
The affective timeline is different between the two. Notes on the class usually need to be kept for a long time. For consolidating them afterwards, more details are required to make it clearer. But the notes taken during the interpretation on the other hand, would be used only once. Because the interpretation is usually about focusing on what the speaker just said, we would have a vague memory about it. A simple mark and icon can be seen pretty often, and once the job is done; these notes will be unnecessary.
Two reasons mentioned above are deciding the way how they should work. Notes during interpretation are often just a couple keywords including some marks that the interpreters themselves could understand to record more information. This is not only saving paper, but also time. But the notes on the class are used for review. If you usemarks on this one, you might not recognize them as time goes by. So notes should be taken as detailed as possible, even with some examples, to rouse our memory.
Experience of interpretation of certified Chinese translation above.