HouGuan Translation Services
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chinese translation services

Translation Company Information – Sharing with you our Chinese document translation experience

Author:admin   Joined:2019/12/5   Clicks:1665 Secondary

I have no idea when translation has become such a huge industry, and I have no memory of when I started in this business. Now I, the newbie translator turned into a professional translator, have many things that I want to share with you guys. Chinese document translation is a job that requires much professionalism. First, let’s talk about written translation. Written translation requires strong language skills from the translator. It is also the basis when doing interpretation work. Strong language ability along with good expressing abilities and thinking is what makes a good interpreter.
Senior translators from the translation company mentioned how to gain translating experiences. One of the ways to do that is by doing trial translations. Normally, when I receive a new Chinese document translation , I would imagine myself at the interpretation venue. I would imagine myself there and feel all the nerves and force myself to express the meaning of the content in the shortest time, then find the correct answer for the vocabularies or expressions that you didn’t know in the trial translation. Write down everything that you’ve learned and practice it repeatedly. After that, you would find apparent improvements in terms of expression. Please refer to the related article “A great way to remember the translation vocabularies - Understand the English vocabulary efficiently”.
Listening is key to practicing your thinking. As a translator, first you must understand the meaning of what the other person is saying. Only under this premise can you start to construct the right sentence to express. Just understanding is not nearly enough. As interpretation is a bridge of communication, it is not enough for you to understand your interpretation, you need to make sure you audiences understand it too, so your Chinese ability becomes very important. You cannot be lacking in any of the two. Please refer to the related article “You have to know the skills of making a good English interpreter.”
As they say, “with persistence, an iron pestle can be ground down to a needle.” The most important thing when doing Chinese document translation is having persistence. There is no quitting until you reach the end. As a person who’s been with a translation company for many years, let me give everyone some advice. You’re better off not doing translation. Also, the things and knowledge that you had to acquire and accumulate are all preparation work for being a great translator, and they will come in handy one day!

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