HouGuan Translation Services
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chinese translation services

What are the professional indicators of a Chinese translation agency?

Author:Danny   Joined:2020/2/19   Clicks:3753 Secondary

A Chinese translation agency provides the following information:
On Yahoo answers, these are the frequently asked questions, “How is professional translation agencies evaluated and which agency is better?” “Can somebody recommend a more professional Chinese translation agency?” How can regular clients tell the difference? How are a professional Chinese translation agency evaluated and which agency is better? A Chinese translation agency found in a fancy commercial building doesn’t necessarily represent the best one. There are numerous factors to consider. We believe that a client who wants to have some materials translated need to take note of the following:

One: Translation quality
People who are not concerned with translation quality can easily find software that can do the job or ask someone who has fair knowledge of languages and can produce “acceptable” or “understandable” translations. So why do we need a translation agency? A translation agency is entrusted to meet certain quality standards while providing a more “fluent,” “appropriate,” and “reliable” translation.

Two: Translation price
People normally want to gain the best benefit at lowest cost. The same is true in the field of translation. Clients prefer to pay a minimal amount for high quality translation. They also want a balance between price and quality or a lower price as opposed to quality. Therefore, the price of translation service could result in inconsistent quality and controversy among translation agencies.

Three: Translation efficiency
Many clients always contact Chinese translation agencies when they have urgent requirements and tend to pressure these agencies every day. Clients should know that it normally takes time for Chinese translation agencies to complete the translation process. They should be aware that it is quite impossible for agencies to work fast and meet deadlines all the time. Otherwise, agencies would be forced to omit or simplify steps just to complete translation tasks faster. Clients need to remember that expecting a fast turnaround, low price, and high quality is unreasonable because “you can’t have your cake and eat it too”. Please refer to the article, “You can’t judge a Chinese translation agency by its speed”.

Four: Regional limitation
Many clients look for Chinese translation agencies according to region. For instance, they tend to include the phrase “good Chinese translation agency in Taipei or other regions” while making search results like, “what are some good Chinese translation agencies?” A translation business is regional, so how do we choose a good Chinese translation agency?

First, check information on the website regarding the capabilities and competence of an agency. Second, take note of responses from customer service representatives regarding speed and expertise. Third, ask a Chinese translation agency to provide relevant certificates. Fourth, ask for a trial translation to check the quality. Maintaining integrity is also necessary. It is not appropriate to ask one agency for a trial translation while asking another to work on other segments. Translation works from agencies cannot be compared since expressions vary from agency to agency. To sum up, the suggestions mentioned above can only be applied to understand questions; e.g., “How does a professional Chinese translation agency evaluate works or which Chinese translation agency is better?” It is important for clients to be patient when choosing agencies instead of demanding a low price and quick service. We believe that a Chinese translation agency can flawlessly finish tasks given that there is a certain degree of value place on Chinese translation agencies.

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