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The Features of the Chinese Document Translation in Company Introduction

Author:admin   Joined:2020/4/10   Clicks:4197 Secondary

What attracts foreign customers to collaborate with your company? Besides goodwill and reputation, the Chinese document translation of the Company introduction, provides the first glimpse and opens the door for other companies to look in and consider the prospects. How do you choose a good translation agency? What details should you pay attention to when translating to win over the foreign customers? Let us tell you all about it!


Company introduction is a brief introduction to a company’s status and a means to promote a company’s image. The objective of the Chinese document translation is to generate an enthusiastic interest for other companies to want to collaborate or generate a desire to purchase the company’s products/services. Unlike an ordinary English operation manual, there are certain language features in the company introduction:

1. Choosing words that are more promotional, such as “abundant ability”, “long history”, etc.
2. Using fixed terms, such as “business scope”, “number of the employees”, “annual sales”, etc.
3. Using slogans frequently, such as “Reputation first”, “top quality”, etc.
4. There are various forms in Chinese expression. The Chinese introduction often consists of scattered sentences.
A short sentence followed by another. These sentences may seem loose and scattered, but they often involve profound meanings. Yet, English is all about complete and rigorous structure. 

Experienced translators believe that these features should be taken into consideration, when doing theChinese document translation in company introductions.  The “soul” of the original document should not be translated solely to comply with the features of a language.

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